Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Advisory and management activities

  • P. Joly is a member of the scientific committee of CEA-DAM.

  • E. Lunéville is the Head of UMA (Unité de Mathématiques Appliquées) at ENSTA ParisTech.

Scientific events organisation end selection

  • E. Bécache, A. S. Bonnet-Ben Dhia, M. Bonnet, S. Fliss, C. Hazard, P. Joly and E. Lunéville were members of the scientific committee for the 13rd international conference on mathematical and numerical aspects of wave propagation (WAVES 2017), which took place in Minneapolis in May 2017.

  • A. Modave co-organized with B. Thierry (CNRS/UPMC) a Young Researchers' Meeting on "Solving Large-Scale Time-Harmonic Wave Problems", which took place at UPMC on November, 2017. There were 8 talks, 2 tutorials and 20 participants, including young researchers from the Inria teams Magique3D, HiePACS and Alpines. The meeting was funded in part by the SMAI through a BOUM project.


  • A. S. Bonnet-Ben Dhia is associate editor of SINUM (SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis) and SIAP (SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics).

  • M. Bonnet is associate editor of Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements

  • M. Bonnet is in the editorial board of Inverse Problems.

  • M. Bonnet is in the editorial board of Computational Mechanics.

  • M. Bonnet is in the editorial board of Journal of Optimization Theory and Application.

  • P. Ciarlet is an editor of CAMWA (Computers & Mathematics with Applications).

  • P. Ciarlet is an editor of ESAIM:M2AN (Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis).

  • P. Joly is an editor of ESAIM:M2AN (Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis).

  • P. Joly is a member of the editorial board of AAMM (Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics).

  • P. Joly is a member of the Book Series Scientific Computing of Springer Verlag.

  • The team members regularly review papers for many international journals.